So after five years of an aversion to reading the newspaper, I can actually absorb a whole page on Saturdays, usually the previous week's edition of the SMH, and not just the movie reviews either. Today I read all about PM Rudd's totally groovy speech to Peking University. Obviously my Getup contribution drove him to the edge.
I felt a bit confused when fellow Buddhists were apparently going ape in Lhasa, understandably so, I know how being pent up for years on end can make you want to leap the barrier, although according to my Facebook confidant, there is talk of them actually being Chinese soldiers (seen above holding robes). Today I popped over to Bondi in record time, using some of those lucky punk karma lane changes that you can do off peak. On the way there I see a Sydney cab driver do something original - talk about politics.
Free for the arvo, I get to my pregnant friend's birthday party - afternoon tea, innocent enough, and there are twelve adults and twenty under 5's. I left my children at home because I could. There was a riot going on. That'll teach her for having baby number two. I experienced a zen-like calm owing to the fact I was the only parent with a pass-out, and as a random act of compassion I offered the birthday girl and her one and a half children a lift in the Kombi.
Little did I realise that at the exact latitude and longitude of my VW was an extremely functional 70's three tier bookshelf (our books are currently stacked on the floor) and a very cute toddler bed (a perfect upgrade from a cot) of the roadside chuckout variety. It was a case of pregnant birthday friend with child(ren) in the rain V's free furniture.
Guess I've matured. I gave up the furniture and got a nice packet of assorted creams for my sacrifice from birthday girl. Mental note to self: there are better roadside dumps in Bondi than any other part of Sydney. My theory being a/more backpackers coming and going (especially this time of year - yay for the locals) and b/more aspiring Good Weekend readers who have turfed out those unpretentious hardy veneer shelves on coasters for a nice bit of Chinese-made IKEA Billy.
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